• Group Lessons

Group Lessons

We are very excited about our swim program at Aquatic Dreams Scuba Center. We love to teach your kids how to swim, they bring fun and brightness to our lives. Our swim program consists of five levels that meet two times a week for four weeks. Each class has a maximum of five students. Your children will be better swimmers when they have completed all our levels. Students must master each level before they will be moved onto the next one.

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

The Skills your child will master in each level will be:

Level 1
Blowing bubbles, submersing their head, floats, glide, front kicks, beginning freestyle arms, jumps and sit dives.

Level 2
Streamline kicking on front, side breathing, freestyle, streamline kick on back, elementary back stroke, feet first jumping and kneel diving.

Level 3
Full lap of freestyle, full lap of streamline kick on back, backstroke arms, rotary breathing, feet first jumping in the deep end and standing dives.

Level 4
Two continuous laps of freestyle, two continuous laps of backstroke, breastroke kicks to a competitive level, butterfly kicks at a competitive level, somersaults, standing dives and racing dives.

Level 5
More than two continuous laps of freestyle, more than two continuous laps of backstroke, two or more laps of breastroke, two or more laps of butterfly, flip turns, standing dives and racing dives.

February - November

Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday between 3 and 6 p.m. Each session is 30 minutes, two times a week for 4 weeks.


$130 per student*

*Signups start the 15th of the month prior

Terms of Service

  1. Parents are not allowed on the pool deck until the last day of class.
  2. Group lessons are non-refundable as a space is being reserved and taking away spots for others.
  3. Any missed classes are forfeited. No makeup classes will be scheduled.
  4. If I/or my child has a temperature over 100.0, a cough, has been throwing up, lost of taste, headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, congestion or runny nose, or shortness of breath, I will cancel my lessons and let Aquatic Dreams know. No makeups and no refund policy stands.

Group Lesson Agreement

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